This is much more about VimL than MDCLXVI strings; if this code doesn’t rape your cat, you’re welcome. |
Call it a kata if you will; I decided over breakfast to have a go at writing a Roman Numeral to Arabic Number converter in VimL. It’d been sufficiently long since I’d written such a converter in any language, and I’d never done one in VimL, so I thought, why not?
I prefer to think away from the console, so I grabbed a notepad and pencil and started doodling a solution based on how I think about parsing Roman Numerals in wet-ware. Roughly, that looked a bit like:
to_arabic(str) new stack for each roman_letter in str val = arabic_value(roman_letter) if val < stack.tos() stack.push(val - pop()) elseif val == stack.tos() stack.push(val + pop()) else stack.push(val) end end return sum(stack) end |
Yes, I am aware that might expose potentially embarrassing belief systems I might be operating under regarding life, the universe and everything. Meh. |
I did some mental as well as paper-based run-throughs of the algorithm to convince myself that it would work and then implemented it in VimL. I don’t have the VimL solution to show you because after getting a working version I began refactoring it as I saw opportunities and generalities lurking within the code.
Here is what I ended up with:
function! Roman() let obj = {} let obj.values = {'M':1000, 'D':500, 'C':100, 'L':50, 'X':10, 'V':5, 'I':1 } func obj.to_arabic(str) dict let self.prior = 0 return eval(join(map( \ reverse(map(split(a:str, '\zs'), 'self.values[v:val]')) \, 'self.calc(v:val)'), '+')) endfunc func obj.calc(v) dict let [n, self.prior] = [(a:v < self.prior ? -a:v : a:v), a:v] return n endfunc return obj endfunction |
So while my pseudo-code used a stack and processed the string in original order, the final algorithm reversed the string and just tracked the prior value each time through the loop (map()).
Some explanations of the weirder VimL:
- I’m using VimL’s Object Oriented approach which is more like javascript’s than C++'s. The Roman() function is actually an object generator. Each such object then has a to_arabic(roman_string) method.
I’m also using VimL’s
approach to processing data lists. Reading
such constructs is usually better from the inside out, which begins with:
The split(a:str, '\zs') yields a LIST OF individual LETTERS.
Unfortunately, the explanation at :help /\zs doesn’t include the idiomatic
use shown here of exploding strings out to a list of their component
The map( LIST OF LETTERS , 'self.values[v:val]') converts individual Roman
Numerals to equivalent Arabic numbers. This, therefore, returns a LIST OF
NUMBERS. VimL’s map() function takes the list first and an expression to be
evaluated against each element in turn (the resulting list returned by map()
is the modification of each element through this evaluated expression). A
simple example might help; this generates squares:
echo map(range(1,10), 'v:val * v:val')
The archaic looking `v:val` is VimL's Way of exposing access to the value of the element. If it helps, this would be equivalent to the Ruby code:
(1..10).map {|val| val * val}
map() in VimL is destructive, not that that matters here, though. -
The map( LIST OF NUMBERS , 'self.calc(v:val)') inverts numbers in the list
if they precede bigger numbers. Remember the original string order of
letters is reversed in this algorithm.
The eval(join( LIST OF NUMBERS , '+')) sums the list.
The split(a:str, '\zs') yields a LIST OF individual LETTERS.
Unfortunately, the explanation at :help /\zs doesn’t include the idiomatic
use shown here of exploding strings out to a list of their component
At least the first comment in that last one tries to head the complainant in the right direction early.
The other thing I wanted to show today is micro-tests. Of course, being able to refactor sloppy code into a better solution is made practical with tests.
We all know and love testing, and Vim has decent plugins for doing it properly when you have to (i.e. writing your own plugin.) However, for quick’n'dirty jobs like this, I usually just drop a small inline test at the end of the script:
if expand('%:p') == expand('<sfile>:p') let fail = 0 for t in [ \ [1, 'I'] \, [2, 'II'] \, [3, 'III'] \, [1992, 'MCMXCII'] \, [1999, 'MCMXCIX'] \] if t[0] != Roman().to_arabic(t[1]) echo 'Fail: ' . t[0] let fail = 1 endif endfor if ! fail echo "Ok" endif endif |
Update: The testing code has been extracted out into a tiny little plugin called vim-u-test if you're interested in experimenting with it.
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